First, when he/she is continuously offline for 30 days,
> a clan mail is sent to him.
After 14 days,
>Push notification will be sent to him.
After 7 days,
>Another push notification will be sent.
> another clan mail will be sent with info. that new leader is being appointed.
Who will be promoted?
The new Leader will be the member who, at the time of appointing the
new Leader, is the highest ranking and longest-serving active member
in the Clan. The messages about the change of leadership keep
everyone up to date on who is going to get Leader status.
Only Co-leaders and Elders can be appointed as new Leaders. Leader
status will never be given to a Member, regardless of how long they
have been in the Clan, their activity, or what ranks they might have held
in the Clan in the past. A Clan Leader can willingly give Leader status to
any member he chooses by promoting them.
Clan Leaders are unable to leave their Clans until they have appointed
the next Leader.
All the best and Clash On!
keep supporting and playing CLASH OF CLANS..