Engineered base still alive!

Today we will see some engineered bases which are still exist and are(may be) not banned. Let's start:
1st :
tag : #PG2C00Q80.
This player named ferenn has not been online for a time but the loot cart is having very less money and there are not that much trees there should be. When a player is offline for a long time, many trees are seen in his village and it seems that this base was online a few times ago. 
2nd :
This player is in a clan named pathan group. It means either this player was online very few times ago or whole this clan is offline but you can also visit this base. 
In the images you can see that the bases are rushed and engineered, but you will be wondering that this image can be very old and these bases may not have been banned that time but you can search th player's tag and can see by your 👀 eyes. 

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