Commander of the royal armies, the Royal Champion is as fierce as a
winter storm and equally as fearless. The Royal Champion is the
newest Hero that unlocks at Town Hall 13, bringing the total number of
Heroes to 4. Upgraded with Dark Elixir, the Royal Champion brings an
Interesting and exciting new strategy to Clash of Clans.
As a tactical warrior, she is able to hop over walls and drive her
powerful spear into her chosen targets: defenses. However, it's her
Seeking Shield ability that is truly destructive. With a mighty heave, the
Royal Champion hurts her shield across the battlefield and will target
the 4 nearest defenses, regardless of range, and will deal damage.
Get ready to unleash her fury!
• Level 1 Cost: 120,000 Dark Elixir
• Favorite Target: Defenses
• Damage Type: Single Target
. Targets: Ground & Air
• Movement Speed: 24
See you with a new news later, Until then,
Clash On!